
What Is Design Based Learning

AUTHOR: Professor Albert Young Choi, Ph.D.

Dr. Albert Immature Choi is the founder and Emeritus President of the United Designs Alliance (UDA), an International Design Association, and is a professor of Brand Design (BD) and Experience Blueprint (XD) at Hanyang University ERICA campus (HYU ERICA) Korea. He served as Associate Vice-President of the HYU ERICA Office of International Affairs (OIA) and Dean of the International Institute of Instruction (IIE). He has carried out various design projects for local, national, and global consumers in the U.s.a., Korea, and Prc to reach successful results.

He is too the writer of "Brand Design: Communication Design for Branding" and "Civilization Code Make Design Methodology (CCBD). He completed a National Research Project, 'National Standard Street Name Sign and Edifice Number Sign System,' in conjunction with the New National Accost System. He wrote Pattern Strategy, a Report Module of Vocational Education & Training Programme, for National Competency Standards (NCS) and the Korea Inquiry Constitute for Vocational Education & Grooming (KRIVET). Also, Albert is the author of "Hangeul-Gak," exploring the beauty and utilization of Hangeul through his blueprint style, collection, and experimental typography. He designs original typefaces and uses them for various innovation design projects. Leading international design organizations recognize his achievements in analyzing and studying visual language and culture through collaborating design and strategy, and the US Library of Congress preserves his designs as permanent collections.


In my 20 years of teaching feel, I have always believed that education is a process of learning and provides the ability to distinguish information and to achieve a goal in life. This concept leads me to think nigh my design education and teaching philosophy, which has three master parts: Learning Method, Learning Process, and Blueprint Methodology (see Figure i). The learning process ATE (Analyzing, Thinking, and Executing) utilizes pattern methodologies to make the learning procedure efficient. I studied cognition scientific discipline, marketing, psychology, and folklore to developed pattern methodologies such as "Conceptor," "Experience Brand Design," "Civilization Code Make Design (CCBD)," "Design Formalization," and "Decoding." For many years, I taught these methodologies under design course names equally hidden contents because the students and the department are not capable of forecasting the future, and the course could exist in danger of dropping out. These courses have helped many students to achieve their life goal as successful designers. Afterwards, I developed and implemented DBL (Blueprint-Based Learning) as a learning method utilizing blueprint methodologies nether ATE as a learning process.

Of import note: I desire to clarify that this article is non a research commodity; instead, information technology is a contribution article, which I hope I can contribute my pedagogy experience to our blueprint education society.

Figure one. Design Education Model by Albert Immature Choi

What we need to empathise

The earth is continued in many aspects, and so is education. Pedagogy does not work past itself, but it is highly related to society and economy since the general goal of education is finding life long career, helping learners to survive with time. Every bit you encounter in figure two, education gradually changed from Implantation Teaching to Self-Directed Learning co-ordinate to the Industrial Revolution causing jobs to vanish, maintain, advance, innovate in career.

Effigy 2. Industry Revolution and Education

Because the best pedagogy can be achieved past conducting Active Communication between a sender (instructor) and receivers (students), the teacher must understand the full general features and behaviors of students. Since the yr 2019, Z-Gen students take enrolled in universities effectually the globe. The characteristics of Z-Gen students are Digital Natives with strong Self-Directed Learning ability (run across Effigy three). Hence, universities around the world must prepare to teach this new generation of learners.

Figure 3. Generation Comparison Nautical chart

Learning Pyramid every bit General Didactics Model

The Learning Pyramid, also known as "the cone of learning" or "the cone of experience," was adult by an American educator Edgar Dale to show learning retention rates with an appropriate method (Dale, 1969). For example, most students just retrieve 10% of what they read from textbooks but retain more than 90% of what they larn from teaching others (come across Figure 4). The top half of the Learning Pyramid consists of the Passive Didactics Methods include Lecture, Reading, Sound-Visual, and Demonstration, which can help the students to empathise knowledge, techniques, and theories more efficiently.

The lesser half of the Learning Pyramid is Participatory Instruction Methods include Group Discussion, Practice, and Teaching Others, which can assistance the students to concentrate on problem analysis, decision making, problem-solving, and disquisitional criticism.

Figure 4. Learning Pyramid by Edgar Dale

Monodisciplinary Education during IR 2.0

The Second Industrial Revolution (IR two.0), also known as the Technological Revolution from the belatedly 19th century to the early on 20th century, was a stage of Mass Product, Assembly Line, and Electricity. During this period, the education focused on the individual discipline and, therefore, implemented Passive Teaching Method and Implantation Teaching utilizing teachers and books. On the other manus, Art and Design education of Bauhaus implemented Participatory Educational activity Method, and Self Directed Learning without Teaching Others (come across Figure v).

Figure five. Monodisciplinary Pedagogy during IR 1.0 & 2.0

PBL and DBL Didactics

The Third Industrial Revolution (IR 3.0), began in the 1950s, was a phase of Computer, Automation, and Miniaturizing. During this menstruum, instruction focused on individual's Self Directed Learning and began to incorporate the Participatory Education Method. In the 1960s, Barrows and Tamblyn at the medical schoolhouse program at McMaster Academy pioneered the Problem-based Learning or the PBL procedure (Barrows, 1996). The PBL and Bauhaus education have similar characteristics that both are student-centered pedagogies, do not focus on the problem-solving with a defined solution, and enhance group collaboration and communication (meet Figure 5). Most important of all, the process allows the learners to develop skills used for their time to come practice. Today, under the Bauhaus education influence, design education always adopted the Passive Teaching Method and Participatory Teaching Method only no or less collaboration every bit a multidisciplinary design team or a strategic team. And many countries have adopted the PBL process, and Korea implemented the PBL process in the 2010s. Significantly, Hanyang Academy ERICA is the chief university in Korea that chose the PBL process in the undergraduate and graduate programs since 2017.

Figure 6. PBL and DBL

The 4th Industrial Revolution (IR iv.0), began in the 21st century, was a phase of Cyber-Concrete Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Networks, Cloud Computing, Large Data, and Bogus Intelligence. Although the PBL process is a vital instruction method for the Y-Gen students, who are characterized as Internet users, it is non suitable for today'south Z-Gen students in universities around the world who are described equally extensive engineering science-friendly users and makers. Hence, blueprint didactics needs to be upgraded from the past and adopt the advancement of applied science, guild, and learners. Thus, I developed a Design Education Model with an emphasis on Design-based learning (DBL) process as Learning Method. DBL is the upgraded and combined version of the PBL process and Bauhaus education (encounter Figure 6).

DBL process is a student-centered didactics that helps learners determine what to make and do, why they exercise it, and how to innovate contextually. This learning process involves the interplay between Realization, Effective Criticism, Making, and Assay based on Course Application, including private project and group project by methodology. The learners with monodisciplinary or multidisciplinary background must comprise with an teacher(south) and other learners during the DBL process plus Learning Process and Design Methodology.

Utilizing DBL Process

DBL Process, ATE, and Design Methodology should part as a single unit—one is not more important than the others; it must be a linear process. All designs must communicate the information to the people and persuade needs and wants to the people. Therefore, it is essential to understand the target audience, target market, client, competitors, manner, and tendency. When all data is analyzed using an appropriate design methodology, I teach students how to organize information visually and verbally under the strategy. Once the students have learned how to analyze the problem, I teach them how to detect the problem by using their thinking process with an appropriate design methodology. They must know the problem earlier they solve it. Different problems require different routes to accomplish an reply. It is essential to utilise an advisable combination of design methodologies to review the solutions in a quick visual form. Also, understanding pattern terminology and theories must be a part of their thinking procedure. Finally, executing a solution requires both computer and hand skills. This process is where the students learn and do their computer and hand skills and complete their procedure for problem-solving.

During the DBL process, I emphasize the practicality of pattern and that design should exist a strategy and marketing force.

Their strategy and pattern should sell a product, an idea, or a service within the given guidelines of budgetary, social, and cultural problems.

Also, the students must provide Critical Presentations to the grade and external audition to convince their solutions. Within my DBL process, I ever underscore open-mindedness and willingness to change an idea, even at the final phase. By the end of the semester, not only do the students learn pattern skills, terminology, and theories, but they also sympathize how to communicate ideas and to develop a creative concept. During the following semesters, the students repeat the DBL process with avant-garde trouble-solving projects. Past the end of their pattern education, they become educated designers who can make 'Good Designs' or 'Innovation Designs' and achieve life long learning behavior.


Dale, E. (1969). Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, Third Edition. New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston.

Barrows, Howard S. (1996). "Problem-based learning in medicine and beyond: A brief overview".New Directions for Teaching and Learning. 1996 (68): 3–12.

What Is Design Based Learning,


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