
How Do I Learn Gaelic

How to Learn Scottish Gaelic

How would you feel if yous were browbeaten up for speaking a language? What if that language was your mother tongue?

This is what used to happen to children in Scotland, if they spoke Scottish Gaelic.

In 1872, the British government introduced compulsory schooling for children in Scotland. This should have been a expert thing – and in many ways it was. Unfortunately, children who attended schoolhouse were actively discouraged from speaking Gaelic.

In fact, children caught speaking Gaelic were ofttimes belted past their teachers, and interrogated about who they'd been talking to. They could face further physical penalisation if they didn't give up the names of other Gaelic speakers.

Thankfully, attitudes towards Gaelic began to change in the 20th century. Simply the damage was done, and Gaelic entered precipitous decline.

Could y'all be part of its revival?

Why Learn Scottish Gaelic?

Gaelic is a linguistic communication rich in civilisation and history. Information technology existed long earlier English, and present many Scots are choosing to larn Gaelic equally it is part of their Scottish heritage.
It has been a language in pass up, but information technology doesn't have to stay that way. By learning Gaelic, y'all would exist helping in sustaining the linguistic communication, and become part of an important movement that's placing Gaelic back at the heart of Scottish life.

Since the Gaelic Linguistic communication Human activity was passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2005, Gaelic has become an official linguistic communication in Scotland and now receives equal status with English. Since then, the Scottish government has invested a lot of money in encouraging the teaching of Gaelic and equally a result, many new courses and websites accept appeared. Official documents at present must be translated into Gaelic and this means more job opportunities for Gaelic speakers than before.

Gaelic is spoken by around 57,000 people in the nearly beautiful parts of Scotland (mainly the Western Isles). Gaelic is now being taught in schools again in various parts of Scotland and there are as well some schools where all subjects are taught in Gaelic. For those interested in music, the fiddle was very popular in Gaelic communities. Gaelic music, songs and traditional ceilidh gatherings are still plentiful in Scotland and in other parts of the earth that celebrate Scottish civilisation.

Maureen Millward

Why did I choose to learn Gaelic? It actually appealed to me for several reasons. The offset one is that it is the 2nd language of my home country and still I couldn't speak a word of information technology. Because I spoke other languages, I thought I should start to dedicate time to learning Gaelic. And then my grandparents told me that my great-grandfather spoke Gaelic and that he taught the language to adults. Gaelic was spoken within the family home only information technology was never passed down equally far equally me. This made me more determined to learn the language and bring it back into the family.

I started to look effectually for courses and I registered on a distance learning course with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig which suited my circumstances very well. I also bought a few other resources such as books, CDs and a DVD series and I started watching the Gaelic programmes on BBC Alba to learn more about the language, civilization and way of life in the Scottish highlands and islands where it is spoken.

Tin I Larn Scottish Gaelic Without Living in Scotland?

Yes, you tin can learn Scottish Gaelic, wherever yous alive in the world! With the availability of distance or online courses, net resources and books and DVDs, there are now various options for learning Gaelic without having to fifty-fifty set foot in Scotland!

The Best Style to Go Started in Gaelic

When starting to learn Gaelic, I've institute it is best to get-go past looking at a pronunciation guide with audio such as BBC Beag Air Bheag or Akerbeltz. This is because in Gaelic, the sounds are non completely phonetic and the combination of consonants tin can produce some sounds that don't be in English or other languages. The Learn Gaelic Lexicon also includes audio for every discussion.

Once you've got to grips with the basics of pronunciation, I recommend textbooks that include a CD or audio files such equally Colloquial Scottish Gaelic or Teach Yourself Gaelic. Gaelic orthography (the rules of written Gaelic) is probably the nigh challenging aspect of the language. I tin can't emphasise enough how important it is to use the audio along with your texts in the book.

When I'chiliad using a text book, I set myself mini goals based on the textbook. For instance finishing a chapter and then learning the vocabulary by creating my own flashcards with Anki and then moving on to the next chapter once I'g confident with the vocabulary I've learned.

The Teach Yourself and Colloquial books as well teach you the grammar that you volition need to be able to reach intermediate level.

Textbooks are an excellent foundation for learning Gaelic, but lonely they're not sufficient. That'due south why I recommend using a variety of resources in your language learning. This prevents boredom and keeps you motivated.

The DVD serial 'Speaking Our Language' is an entertaining way to acquire Gaelic phrases and I watched one episode a week forth with using my other materials.. The DVDs are filmed in Gaelic speaking parts of Scotland and comprise many different speakers in each episode. The new vocabulary is displayed on the screen both during and afterwards each episode and then that you tin write down the words and add them to your Anki deck.

I suggest starting speaking practice as soon as possible. That way, you will proceeds confidence and learn from your mistakes at an early phase and your listening skills will likewise improve if you can do conversation with a partner. For this I recommend italki. The italki website lists language partners and tutors who can speak to you over Skype or Google Hangout.

To practise writing, I observe writing a journal is an effective method which also helps me retain vocabulary. On sites such as Italki, you can utilise the notebook feature for this and you tin can also receive corrections from fluent speakers.

Once you accomplish intermediate level, I would suggest delving into a wide range of resources, such as those I've listed beneath. YouTube as well has enough of videos and Gaelic. And for "real globe" practice, news websites such equally the BBC, the Scotsman and Danamag are an invaluable resource.

You could also join a distance learning course where you will have the support of a instructor throughout and your grade provider will provide you with resource. These are bachelor from beginner level. I started as a beginner on the distance learning form with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the main Gaelic college in Scotland. I found having the support of a tutor was very helpful for correcting my pronunciation.

Resources for Learning Scottish Gaelic

  • BBC Beag air Bheag. An online Gaelic course aimed at beginner level with 35 units to complete. There is a useful pronunciation section with audio for beginners.
  • Learn Gaelic Online Courses. This course includes sixty lessons for beginners. The lessons are interactive and include a quiz at the end. At that place'south likewise a "Sentinel Gaelic" department which consists of diverse short videos in Gaelic with a transcript available in both English and Gaelic.
  • Larn Gaelic Dictionary. This is the all-time online dictionary available as information technology includes audio for each word. Translations are available for full phrases as well as individual words. An alternative lexicon is available on Am Faclair Beag.
  • Akerbeltz Gaelic Pronunciation Guidance. An introduction to sounds in Gaelic, some of which do not be in English. There are 13 links at the lesser of the homepage for each section.
  • BBC Bitesize Gaelic. Aimed at school pupils in Scotland, this site is very useful for listening and reading exercises. This page also contains some grammar explanations and exercises.
  • Taic Online Gaelic Lessons. Some 55 lessons from beginner level, mainly focusing on grammar. There is also an audio guide to pronunciation, every bit well as a vocabulary list.
  • Gaelic For Parents. This resource features a multifariousness of activities for both parents and children from ages iii to 11 including games, songs, listening, reading and flashcards. It'southward non just useful for kids!
  • Speaking Our Language DVDs. A four part DVD series published past the BBC starting with beginners level Gaelic lessons.
  • Isle Voices. A project for Gaelic learners to lookout man videos or listen to audio and improve their listening skills. The videos contain dialogues aimed at diverse levels and accept been filmed in The Hebrides. There are various topics to choose from and some videos contain transcripts of the dialogue for yous to follow.
  • BBC Alba. A television channel available throughout the Uk where all programmes are in Gaelic with English language subtitles. The variety of programmes is excellent, they include music, culture, history, children's, news and sport. The site besides provides access to listen to Gaelic Radio 'Radio nan Gàidheal'. The BBC iPlayer feature to watch television programmes and listen to the radio is simply available to people in the U.k...
  • BBC News in Gaelic. A BBC News website with various news articles in Gaelic, by and large relating to Scottish news.
  • Italki. A identify to discover language partners or tutors who tin speak to you over Skype or Google Hangout. There is also a 'notebook' department where you tin write your own texts in Gaelic and a fluent speaker can correct information technology for y'all.
  • Tobar and Dualchais Oral Recordings. This is a very interesting site comprising of thousands of oral recordings from Scotland since the 1930s, many of which are in Gaelic. The recordings include stories, songs, radio and poetry.
  • An Drochaid Stories. Various short recordings in Gaelic with access to the transcript. Suitable for intermediate or advanced learners.
  • Danamag. An online Gaelic mag containing articles on various themes aimed at intermediate or advanced level learners.
  • The Scotsman Newspaper Gaelic Manufactures. For intermediate or avant-garde learners, the Scotsman publishes a few online articles in Gaelic.

Courses for Learning Scottish Gaelic

For students living outside Scotland who would like to follow the structure of a class or perhaps gain a qualification from studying Gaelic, there are several options.

  • Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is the chief Gaelic higher in Scotland. They are based on the Isle of Skye and they offer courses by distance and also short courses over a week during the summer and Easter periods. The distance courses offer a chance to proceeds a qualification and yous can study Gaelic right upwardly to caste level. The tutorials are done in small groups past phone and you can choose a suitable time slot including evenings. For the one week intensive courses, they offer accommodation at the college and courses at various levels from beginners to advanced. They as well other interesting ancillary courses such every bit Gaelic music and song.
  • Gaidhlig Gach Latha. An system in the USA who suit grouping classes on Skype from beginners to avant-garde levels. The classes have various start dates throughout the year. They also offer private lessons on Skype and courses by email.
  • Atlantic Gaelic Academy. Offers weekly group classes taught over the internet covering five levels from beginners to advanced.

What near if you lot desire to learn on a face up-to-face class? The venues listed below offer intensive on-site courses at various points in the year. These could exist combined with a longer visit to Scotland:

  • Moray Language Centre. Based in the northward of Scotland, Moray Language Centre runs on-site courses that tin can run from one to viii weeks at a time. They offering courses at various levels.
  • Ravenspoint, Island of Lewis. A ane week intensive Gaelic courses for beginner and intermediate levels are held in May, July and August. The accommodation options include staying in the dwelling of a Gaelic speaking local family or staying on-site at the hostel. Besides equally language tuition, other activities are planned for the students including sightseeing and a visit to a local church service in Gaelic where the unique Gaelic Psalms singing tin however be heard.

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