This section provides the specific parent functions you should know.

Parent functions and notable features

This section volition present each of the office types from the library of functions list, requite it'southward parent function, and so any relevant data on that part.


Polynomials are very generic and ubiquitous, then they require a general note prior to discussing the diverse specific types. Polynomials have been studied for more than 5000 years and unfortunately this means that there are a lot of things to learn nearly them, even without going into calculus. Students should expect to spend nearly as much time studying and learning techniques in the department on polynomials every bit we do on near all the other function types combined. Generally the written report polynomials is divide into the study of linear polynomials (caste i or 0), quadratic polynomials (degree 2), cubic polynomials (degree three), and 'higher club polynomials' (degree iv and higher). There are skilful reasons for this that nosotros volition hash out in the exploration on Polynomials section but for this section we likewise divide polynomials up in this way.

Linear Polynomials: Linear polynomials are perhaps the single most well studied function in existence and simultaneously the most common part to occur in nature. For now we will just notation that the parent part is also one of the nicest; which is also sometimes referred to every bit "the identity function".

( This is for some really abstruse reasons, about of which we won't cover in this class. This will come up upwardly tangentially when nosotros discuss function composition in a future topic ) Linear polynomials are typically used in situations where 2 quantities are only a abiding multiple of 1 another (or off by a constant cistron). Such multiples may stand for things like price, speed, or mass.

Parent Function:
The parent function for a linear polynomial is

Graph of Parent Role:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • There is a point of interest; (0,0) which is an important betoken for a variety of reasons nosotros volition discuss in the time to come.
  • The shape is a perfectly straight line.
Case usage:
Examples where linear functions are used occur in many physical and natural applications. For example;
  • Altitude is a linear part of time and speed; specifically .
  • Calculating cost given a number of items and price per item. For example for price, price, and number of items.
  • Weight is a linear part of mass, since your weight is the force (really acceleration but this isn't a physics class) of gravity times your mass. Specifically .
  • The states of spin for electrons can exist represented by a linear office.

Quadratic Polynomials: Quadratic polynomials, or polynomials of degree two, are also incredibly well studied equally they besides accept very special roles in mathematical history. The parent function is the classic parabola; .

Parent Role:
The parent role for a quadratic polynomial is

Graph of Parent Office:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • At that place is a indicate of interest; (0,0) which is oft referred to every bit the 'vertex' of the quadratic and represents (on the parent role specifically) the lowest bespeak on the graph.
  • The shape is chosen a parabola.
  • This is a smooth bend, as oppose to the absolute value function below; this fact is actually exceptionally important for calculus one.
Case usage:
Examples where quadratic functions also occur in many physical and natural applications. For example;
  • Ballistic arcs (such as throwing a ball through the air, or firing a bullet) post-obit a (more or less) quadratic curve.
  • The upshot of acceleration on location (such as how pushing the gas pedal in a machine furnishings your altitude traveled on the road) is a quadratic.

Cubic Polynomials: Cubic polynomials, or polynomials of degree 3 are primarily of import because they are the get-go not-linear polynomial of odd degree. Nosotros will talk over why nosotros care virtually such things in the section on polynomials specifically.

Parent Part:
The parent function for a cubic polynomial is

Graph of Parent Function:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • There is a point of interest; (0,0) which is sometimes referred to as the 'vertex', merely more often referred to equally a (the) bespeak of (rotational) symmetry.
  • Information technology is (deceptively) important that this function is (strictly) increasing; meaning that, at whatsoever betoken, if you become to the right of that point on the graph, the graph volition get upward.
Case usage:
Examples where cubic functions genuinely occur tend to be more rare as they are more often used as approximations of actual behavior, rather than true models of specific behavior. Nonetheless, some examples exist;
  • Most impulse (sudden rapid changes of acceleration) effects are modeled by cubic polynomials.
  • Efficiency of infinite usage in three dimensional space is modeled by cubic polynomials.

Higher (order) Polynomials: We won't talk over college order polynomials in this section other than to say that for any given degree, the parent function will be the function of raised to that degree. Thus for a fifth degree polynomial, the parent function is . Nosotros volition become into this in greater detail in the polynomial exploration section.

Parent Function:
The nearly common radical office we consider is the square root function, whose parent function is .

Graph of Parent Role:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • A point of special interest is the betoken (0,0) on the parent office. This is sometimes referred to every bit the 'vertex' or 'origin' of the office.
  • The restricted (natural) domain of the parent function is too of special involvement as it is the non-negative real numbers, ie the interval .
  • The slope of the graph near the origin is of interest every bit it seems to slope to an almost straight upward and down curve as it gets really close to the origin. (This is something that is made precise in calculus one.)
Example usage:
  • 1 of the chief roles of radical functions is to undo a polynomial term. That is to say that a radical is typically used to eliminate a ability, such as when y'all square root both sides of to solve for .
  • Some other usage is to discover a geometric hateful, which is a number that is in the eye of two numbers in a multiplicative, rather than condiment, sense. This is something studied and utilized extensively in statistics and/or probability, simply we won't exist studying information technology much in this grade or in calculus.
Absolute Value
Parent Part:
The parent function is

Graph of Parent Function:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • A point of involvement (on the parent role) is the point (0,0), which is sometimes referred to every bit the 'vertex' or 'reflection' signal.
  • The sharpness of the change in gradient at the reflection point is worth noting, this is referred to as a 'corner' and is something that is studied closely in calculus 1.
  • Absolute values are used in calculus primarily for the sake of the effect of the corner at the reflection signal, and the nature of its graph.
Example usage:
Whenever we wish to ensure a value is positive, an absolute value is a useful tool.
  • Distances are usually represented by absolute value. In fact, ane interpretation of the absolute value of a number (given to united states of america by the ancient greeks, who viewed all numbers in this mode) is the "distance from nada"
  • Accurateness is another area where accented value is oftentimes used; specifically if we want to know which of several numbers are 'closer' to the correct value, we tin can translate 'closer' meaning a type of altitude, and utilize the absolute value.
Parent Function:
The most often used exponential function is the one with the 'natural' base; whose parent function is .

Graph of Parent Office:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • A point of interest is the point (0,one) for a variety of reasons which we will discuss more in the section on exploring exponential functions.
  • The graph has a horizontal asymptote at to the left.
  • The graph is strictly increasing, like the cubic polynomial.
  • The growth (sharpness) of the increase to the right is greater than any other function on this listing.
Example usage:
Exponential functions should be used whenever y'all are discussing a state of affairs where the change in something over time depends on the value that is changing at each moment. This is somewhat vague, but specific examples are easy to come by, such as;
  • The virtually common place to see exponential functions used are exponential growth functions such as earning compound interest, or population growth. In these cases, the more of the thing you accept (the more than money, or more population) the more than y'all go each growth iteration.
  • Another mutual place to come across exponential functions used is the spread of disease or other contagion. The more people infected, the more people in that location are to infect others, and so information technology'southward (initial) progress tends to be exponential.

Logarithms are classically defined equally the inverse function to the exponential role. In some sense they are the most 'artificial' function in the library of functions because it doesn't really ascend on it's own in very many contexts.

Parent Role:
The well-nigh common log to consider is the so-called 'natural log', whose parent function is . (In manufacture, most software will actually denote the natural log with since nobody really uses the then-chosen 'common log' or log base of operations ten anymore. For historical reasons however most math classes still use for the natural log and for log base ten and we suit to that convention here.)

Graph of Parent Function:

Notable Features of Graph:
The notable features are:
  • A bespeak of interest is the point (i,0) as information technology is the point that corresponds to the indicate (0,1) of the inverted exponential function.
  • Information technology is also important to detect that the log function has a restricted domain of , but it's range is all real numbers.
  • The log part is an increasing role similar we mentioned for the cubic polynomial and exponential office.
Example usage:
The log function is most commonly used to invert the process of an exponential function, and then natural occurrences of the log function are uncommon. Nonetheless such examples exist;
  • The scale upon which we measure the magnitude of earthquakes is logarithmic with a base of x. This means that a magnitude 5 convulsion is 10 times stronger than a magnitude 4 earthquake and a m times more than 'powerful' than a magnitude 2 earthquake.
  • The one-half-life decay rate of radioactivity is logarithmic. In essence this is because half-life decay is exponential growth in reverse, instead of getting 'twice every bit big' every years, it gets 'half as big' every years. This could be done exponentially, but it is more than more often than not asked; "when will it be condom again?" which is equivalent to request "When will it be beneath a radioactivity level of ?", and to determine that we need to use a logarithm.
Piecewise Functions and Rational Functions

In the instance of piecewise and rational functions, these are more ways to combine other functions rather than their own cardinal functions. For this reason they do not have parent functions in the same style as the other functions, although nosotros will talk over how to deal with this issue in their respective sections.